Previous Scholarships


The importance of sleep, in illness and in health

Pernilla Garmy

Sleep difficulties are a gigantic problem, that generate suffering for the individual and a cost for society. Many of the problems are caused by a lack of knowledge within the healthcare system and the public at large. There is a great need to inform about how sleep problems can be alleviated. Through conferences, open digital seminars and lectures, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals will be able to acquire the tools to provide adequate support.


The image of Sweden – how Wikipedia shapes the image of Sweden

Johan Jönsson

Wikipedia is one of the world’s most widely used sources of information. By using the encyclopaedia, people form an understanding of the world. Nevertheless, most people know very little about how it works – and those who write rarely bring up their thoughts on images and image building. Images play a big role in how we perceive a subject – does the image of a suburb show neat greenery in July or a dingy street in November? Understanding this is an important educational mission and matters to our society.


“Active Leisure – summer activities for young people with disabilities” 2023

Föreningen Furuboda

With the Active Leisure project, the association Furuboda wants to contribute to the positive development of 300 young people with disabilities so that more are given tangible conditions for an active, developing and fun leisure time. In this way, young people with disabilities are given better prerequisites for socialising with friends and peers, better ability and conditions for participation and participating in society, as well as resources for better physical and mental health in the short and in the long term.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Agents (IA)

Charlotte Sennersten

I want to be able to devote my time to compile my and Skåne company’s AI knowledge with Mobile Heights in book form. I want to take stock of how companies look at AI. How I have worked with AI personally. How academia looks at AI and what students see AI as. An AI time document that I can use in an AI course that will be a stand-alone course that anyone can apply for.


Ramels väg 47. The rise, fall and transformation of a stairway

Jens Sjölander

The aim of the project is to make a documentary film portraying a stairway and the people who live and have lived there. The documentary film invites viewers to explore and challenge some of the beliefs and prejudices that have come to characterize the place. Why did people who lived there move? How do people who live there today view the area, the people who lived there before and me? Am I also then a Ramelsväger (Ramel’s streety)?


Facing existential loneliness during adolescence

Tide Garnow

The aim of the project is to promote awareness of existential loneliness during adolescence, as well as to encourage support in facing existential health in young people. The demand for knowledge on existential loneliness is great as is for support of young people in this type of issue. By advancing knowledge and awareness, the aim is to contribute to sustaining young people’s health.


Model for a new semi-permanent exhibition about Malmö 1870-today

Malmö Museer

Residents, and in particular school students, in Malmö and Skåne gain a better understanding of the impact history has on how the city, and the world, look today. An added effect is that the model becomes a natural meeting place, and thus a starting point for the museum’s educators in a large and complex exhibition. Furthermore, both institutions get the opportunity to develop methods and stronger collaboration.


Cold and dry AB Dehumidification small freezer rooms

Cold and dry AB

Cold and dry AB is a newly started company whose business concept consists of offering a special dehumidifier to all the thousands of grocery stores, municipal and private commercial kitchens and others who struggle and are forced to live with all the moisture-related problems they have in small freezer rooms. With our dehumidifier, these problems can be completely eliminated or greatly reduced while at the same time saving energy.




The goal of Techship is to create role models and build bridges between young people in different neighbouhoods and the business world. What we add in 2023 is an impact focus. We will invest in that young people will solve our global sustainability challenges where these are generated in knowledge-intensive startups. This is done through the same methodology that Techship has today. In addition, we want to attract young talent to Skåne. The goal will then be for Techship to have an impact focus that reaches out nationally but takes place regionally in Helsingborg.


On-demand service for circular children’s jeans

Nimble Patch AB

We want to make the customer more involved in their choice of clothing. Partly to highlight the environmental impact and that the customer can shop more sustainably through well-thought-out choices. We want to further develop our business according to the EU’s upcoming legislation and be pioneers in circular business models.


Early detection of plant pathogens using microfluidic chips

Erik Karlsson

With the microfluidic chip, we want to enable early detection and diagnosis of plant pathogens to enable precision spraying. Detection is made possible before a disease appears, which saves the harvest while allowing the drastic reduction of the use of chemical spraying. We will establish and expand networks with farmers and experts for prototype testing and future development of both product and service. We will verify the business model and technical suitability.


For a vibrant, inspiring and inclusive cultural life

The Cowgirl Gallery

The ambition is to lower the threshold to the art world and act as a cultural catalyst. This by highlighting artists of different ages, experience and art forms. To include and facilitate everyone’s right to culture, the events are always open to everyone. The place must be a safe platform and contribute to a more inclusive and vibrant art scene that enriches local and national cultural life.


Developing an adapter for charging electric vehicles in cities

Ola Solér

My driving force is to contribute to a faster transformation of the transport sector to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and health-threatening air pollution in cities. This is also the overall goal and societal benefit of the project. The purpose of the project is to produce a prototype of a charging adapter for electric vehicles and expand the patent protection for my innovation.


Essential farm improvements for AAF

Alnarps agroekologiska lantbruk

The goal of this project is to have a functioning propagation area on the plot, implement the first phase of a perennial agroforest, have a composting toilet and washing station. With these investments we tackle the biggest threats to AAF, while ensuring the longevity of the organization. A diversified production system will attract interdisciplinary students and researchers, create a long-term perspective for revenue and provide synergies for productivity, resilience, and sustainability.


Malmö University Library – a room of opportunity

Malmö universitetsbibliotek

The purpose is to produce a commemorative publication for Malmö University Library, which turns 25 years old. The texts and images in the anthology are a contemporary document of what a young and forward-thinking university library is, as well as the learning that takes place when a library takes shape.
The goal is to write, design and print a book in some 200 copies that describes the development work at Malmö University Library. The book is also published as a freely available e-book in PDF format.


How do we undertake person-centredness? Textbook on person-centredness in research, education and practice

Anna-Karin Edberg

The goal is to provide support for the introduction of person-centredness in care, education and research. Many of the theories and frameworks that already exist provide scant guidance in how the knowledge should be implemented in practice. Through the book, such knowledge can be made available to those who actually need it: healthcare staff, students, teachers and researchers. By involving those affected, and a point of departure from their perspective, we ensure that the book is useful to the target groups and beneficial to healthcare.


A comic book about ADHD in women

Marie Tillman

The goal of the project is to make a comic book that reaches out to both people who have ADHD themselves and gives recognition to the difficulties one experiences throughout life, but also to create a greater understanding of ADHD in society. By facing the difficulties with humour, we hope to be able to meet a wider audience and not just the people who have ADHD themselves. We believe that recognition can make it easier to gain insight into the difficulties one faces in life with an ADHD diagnosis.


Scanian hazelnut cultivation, new thinking and new cultivation techniques

Lotta Nordmark

Increase knowledge regarding domestic production of nuts using new farming systems that can justify farming from both a social as well as an economic and ecological perspective. Show how, with this cultivation, we can contribute to increasing domestic food production in the event of a crisis and if our borders are closed. It will also have a positive effect on an increased availability of locally produced raw materials for the further processing of foods with high nutrient density and local anchoring.


The end of kidney shortages for transplant!

UGLK Science AB

The purpose of the project is to find out if the technology and methods function in human kidneys as well as validate the product prototype to pave the way for efficient and successful commercialization, i.e., the first part of the clinical study. Through this, the number of donor kidneys available for transplantation is expected to rise greatly and as quickly as possible.


Objective and Quantitative Assessment tools for ADHD and ASD

Anders Rasmussen

We are developing objective and quantitative measurement tools that measure cerebellar function in combination with a modernized motor assessment test. We believe this can potentially revolutionize the way we assess and study ADHD and ASD – two diagnoses that cover several hundred thousand children in Sweden alone. In fact, our VR application may have an even wider applicability. For example, all four-year-olds in Sweden go through a motor assessment battery of tests that is used as an initial screening tool.